
This is my raven Diaval, in his humanish form. Hot, isn't he???... Scroll down this page to read my history and to find out more about the Unseellie Court, of which there are myriads of denizens. (I think you'll find it fascinating!!!)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Great Irish Phouka...

There are pookas, but THIS is the great one.  He is half human-half horse, usually, but sometimes he takes the form of an eagle or a bat.  Often he wears a chain about his neck.  He is probably one of the main tricksters of the universe, a genius in this particular fey activity.

Quite a few places in Ireland are named for pookas: a falls on the Liffy River near Ballymore Eustace, named Pool-a-Phooka [the Phooka's Hole] - in County Cork, the ruins of a castle named Carrig-a-phooka [the Phooka's Rock].  Then, there's Puckstown, Puck's Fair, Pooka's Ford, Puck's Castle...

The Phouka likes to hang out near bogs and swamps.  Whoever is foolish enough to jump on the back of the Phouka when he is a horse is in for a very wild ride!  Many of the older Irish think that feeling the presence of the Phouka is a bad omen.

Pookas, the small ones, used to be numerous.  It is said that a person should not pick berries after Michaelmas, [September 29th] because then the pookas piss on them and the essence of the berries is ruined...  Ha-ha-HA!!!

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