
This is my raven Diaval, in his humanish form. Hot, isn't he???... Scroll down this page to read my history and to find out more about the Unseellie Court, of which there are myriads of denizens. (I think you'll find it fascinating!!!)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Banshee,- Or Bean Sidhe, And The Bean Nighe...

The banshee, or as it is less spelled, but pronounced the same, - bean sidhe, meaning"faerie woman", is no one you would ever want to meet!  She is sometimes a withered old hag, sometimes a beautiful young woman with silvery hair dressed in flowing white, gossamer robes.

The ancient Irish keening at a funeral is based on her horrid, ear-piercing wail, a wail that could never come from an earthy creature; it is said to be able to shatter glass.  The bean sidhe is said to come at the deaths of members of the five great families of Ireland: the O' Longs, the O' Briens, the O' Gradys, the O' Neills and the Kavanaughs.

The bean nighe is similar to the bean sidhe.  She is a skeletal and weeping woman seen at a stream, or a ford; she bends over the water, washing the bloody garments of those who are about to die.

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