
This is my raven Diaval, in his humanish form. Hot, isn't he???... Scroll down this page to read my history and to find out more about the Unseellie Court, of which there are myriads of denizens. (I think you'll find it fascinating!!!)

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Faerie Mushroom Circle...

Some of them are hundreds of years old and hundreds of feet in diameter.  They are found in the woods or meadows.  Many of them are in the Celtic lands, especially in Ireland.  One huge one is in France.

It is said that if a mortal steps inside a faerie circle he/she may be forced to dance with the fey as they leap and cavort wildly around in the circle, until the person drops down from exhaustion, - usually dead. A person can be saved by a friend, if the friend stands outside the circle, extending a hand to the human dancer and pulling him/her safely out of the circle.

In her book, "Legends, Charms & Superstitions Of Ireland", Lady Wilde notes that a beautiful girl named Kathleen danced with the Tuatha De Dannan King of the West, the King Of Knockma, Fin Bheara.  Kathleen danced all night, flowers in her hair.  In the morning she was found dead on top of a faerie mound, but some said that she was taken to Faerie Land where she lives still...

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