
This is my raven Diaval, in his humanish form. Hot, isn't he???... Scroll down this page to read my history and to find out more about the Unseellie Court, of which there are myriads of denizens. (I think you'll find it fascinating!!!)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

ONLY For Fun, ~ But STILL...

***JUST FOR FUN, --- BUT, DO YOU HAVE THESE PHYSICAL SIGNS OF BEING A WITCH???... --- Large, penetrating or deep-set eyes, eyes that are slanted, or eyes of a rare or unusual color --- Wild, thick, untamed long hair that is strangely beautiful --- A little finger that is crooked and bends toward your other fingers --- Do you look much younger than your age, is your skin as unlined and as firm as people ten or even twenty years younger than you are --- Do you have an unusual voice, one that is husky and deep, very expressive, or high and musical --- Do you have a hereditary birthmark or mole that shows up in your family again and again and again --- Do you have red hair that is not auburn or reddish blond, but extremely, vividly red, or lush silvery hair that is also wavy? >>> (Then, you MAY be a witch!!!) 😉

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